[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] What's New in the DirectX 3 SDK? (48.0576441102757%)
Introducing DirectX 3 > DirectX and the Component Object Model
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] What's New In DirectSetup For DirectX 5 (47.3214285714286%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectSetup > DirectSetup Overview
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectX 5? (43.2957393483709%)
Introducing DirectX 5 > DirectX and the Component Object Model
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectX Graphics (38.2440476190476%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectX Graphics
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectX Graphics (38.2440476190476%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectX Graphics
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectX Audio (37.8720238095238%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectX Audio
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectX Audio (37.8720238095238%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectX Audio
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] What's New in IDirectDraw2? (36.6815476190476%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Interface Overviews > IDirectDraw2 Interface
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectInput (36.3095238095238%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectInput (36.3095238095238%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectInput
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectX 8.1 (35.5654761904762%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > Introducing DirectX 8.1
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectX 8.1 (35.5654761904762%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > Introducing DirectX 8.1
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectPlay (34.7470238095238%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectPlay
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectPlay (34.7470238095238%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectPlay
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectX? (34.375%)
Introducing DirectX 6.1
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] What's New in IDirectDrawSurface2? (33.9285714285714%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Interface Overviews > IDirectDrawSurface2 Interface
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectPlay 5? (32.3660714285714%)
DirectX Media > DirectPlay
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectPlay 6? (32.3660714285714%)
DirectX Media > DirectPlay
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] What's New in IDirectDraw4? (31.9940476190476%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Essentials > The DirectDraw Object
[DirectX 7 Programmer's Reference] What's New in IDirectDraw7? (31.9940476190476%)
Microsoft DirectX 7.0 > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Essentials > The DirectDraw Object
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] What Is a Direct3D Device? (31.4732142857143%)
DirectX Foundation > Direct3D Immediate Mode > Direct3D Immediate Mode Essentials > Direct3D Devices
[DirectX 7 Programmer's Reference] What Are Direct3DX Devices? (31.4732142857143%)
Microsoft DirectX 7.0 > Direct3D > Direct3DX Utility Library [C++] > Direct3DX Utility Library Essentials > Direct3DX Devices
[DirectX 7 Programmer's Reference] What Is a Direct3D Device? (31.4732142857143%)
Microsoft DirectX 7.0 > Direct3D > Direct3D Immediate Mode > Direct3D Immediate Mode Essentials > Direct3D Devices
[DirectX 7 Programmer's Reference] What Is a Direct3DX Context Object? (30.2827380952381%)
Microsoft DirectX 7.0 > Direct3D > Direct3DX Utility Library [C++] > Direct3DX Utility Library Essentials > Direct3DX Context
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] What's New in IDirectDraw2? (28.8690476190476%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Essentials > The DirectDraw Object > What's New in IDirectDraw2?
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectPlay Version 3? (28.3333333333333%)
DirectPlay > DirectPlay Overview > What's New in DirectPlay Version 3?
[DirectX 7 Programmer's Reference] What's New in DirectX Foundation? (27.6785714285714%)
Microsoft DirectX 7.0 > Introducing DirectX Foundation
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] What Are DirectDraw Objects? (26.0416666666667%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Essentials > The DirectDraw Object
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] What Is the View Transformation? (26.0416666666667%)
DirectX Foundation > Direct3D Immediate Mode > Direct3D Immediate Mode Essentials > The Geometry Pipeline > The View Transformation