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DirectX Software Development Kit
DirectX Graphics
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DirectX Audio
DirectX SDK Technical Articles
DirectX SDK
Legal Information
Introducing DirectX 9.0
Tips and Tricks Using Managed Code
What's New in DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code
What Is Managed Code?
Direct3D Graphics
How Do I ...?
Handle a Device (Direct3D)
Render a 3-D Scene (Direct3D)
Use Meshes, Textures, and Effects (Direct3D)
Check For HDR Texture Support
Clean a Mesh
Clone a Mesh
Compute a Bounding Sphere from a Mesh
Copy a Texture
Create a Cube Texture
Create a Mesh Object
Save a Screenshot
Simplify a Mesh
Use Vertex and Index Buffers (Direct3D)
Use Effects on Sound (DirectSound)