Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (October 2004) |
All tools other than the output tool are collected in toolgraphs. Even if your application is using only a single tool, you must create a toolgraph to contain it. Then add this toolgraph to a segment or the performance. Toolgraphs provide a convenient mechanism for directing messages from one tool to another.
Note Do not use or distribute tools from non-trusted sources. Tools can contain unsafe code.
The following sample code is from a client that uses a tool in a DLL. First, the client creates an object from a known class identifier and a known interface identifier. It then obtains the IDirectMusicTool8 interface, creates a graph, and inserts the tool in the graph. It is assumed that the ILyricsReader interface, together with the CLSID and IID, is declared in an included tool header.
HRESULT SetupLyricsTool(IDirectMusicPerformance8* pPerf)
ILyricsReader* pLyricsReader;
IDirectMusicTool* pTool;
IDirectMusicGraph* pGraph;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_LyricsReader, NULL,
(void **) &pLyricsReader)))
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pLyricsReader->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectMusicTool8,
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectMusicGraph, NULL,
CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IDirectMusicGraph, (void**)&pGraph)))
if (SUCCEEDED(pGraph->InsertTool(pTool, NULL, 0, 0 )))
hr = pPerf->SetGraph(pGraph);
return hr;
The tool will now process messages from all segments in the performance. To restrict the application of the tool to a particular segment, use IDirectMusicSegment8::SetGraph instead.