Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (Summer 2003) |
The IDirectPlay8AddressIP interface is available through the CLSID_DirectPlay8Address Component Object Model (COM) object. This interface is used for Internet Protocol (IP) provider-specific addressing services.
IDirectPlay8AddressIP Members
BuildAddress Builds a remote Microsoft® DirectPlay® IP address from a host name and a port.
BuildFromSockAddr Builds a remote DirectPlay IP address from a valid SOCKADDR structure. BuildLocalAddress Builds a local DirectPlay IP address from a device and port.
GetAddress Retrieves the remote address information from a remote DirectPlay IP address.
GetLocalAddress Retrieves the local address information from a DirectPlay IP address.
GetSockAddress Retrieves a list of SOCKADDR structures describing the addresses represented by this object.
Interface Information
Inherits from IUnknown Header dpaddr.h Minimum operating systems Windows 98, Pocket PC 2002