Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (Summer 2003) |
Applications use the methods of the IDirectPlayVoiceClient interface to manage clients in a voice session.
IDirectPlayVoiceClient Members
Connect Connects the client to a Microsoft® DirectPlay® Voice session.
Create3DSoundBuffer Retrieves a 3-D sound buffer for a player or group. You can use the methods of the 3-D sound buffer object to change the virtual 3-D position of incoming voice transmissions from the specified group or player.
Delete3DSoundBuffer Returns exclusive control of the 3-D sound buffer object to the DirectPlay voice client object.
Disconnect Disconnects the DirectPlay Voice client from the existing DirectPlay Voice session.
GetCaps Retrieves the DirectPlay Voice capabilities.
GetClientConfig Retrieves the client configuration.
GetCompressionTypes Retrieves the available compression types on the system.
GetSessionDesc Retrieves the session properties.
GetSoundDeviceConfig Retrieves the sound device configuration of the session.
GetTransmitTargets Retrieves the transmit targets, if any, of the voice stream from this client.
Initialize Initializes the DirectPlayVoiceClient object by associating it with a DirectPlay object. Additionally, this method registers a message handler with the DirectPlayVoiceClient object.
SetClientConfig Sets the client configuration.
SetNotifyMask Specifies which messages are sent to the message handler.
SetTransmitTargets Specifies which players and/or groups receive audio transmissions from the local client.
Interface Information
Inherits from IUnknown Header dvoice.h Minimum operating systems Windows 98