Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (Summer 2003)

Optimizing Network Usage

Providing the best gaming experience normally means sending updates and other information as rapidly as possible without flooding the target with more messages than it can handle. The Microsoft® DirectPlay® protocol combined with asynchronous messaging enables you to dynamically optimize your messaging strategy to provide your users with the best possible game experience.

The bulk of your messaging will use the IDirectPlay8Peer::SendTo, IDirectPlay8Client::Send, or IDirectPlay8Server::SendTo methods. These methods normally work asynchronously for all message categories. They return immediately, and your message handler receives a DPN_MSGID_SEND_COMPLETE message when the message is actually sent. You can choose to send messages synchronously by setting the DPNSEND_SYNC flag. If you do so, the method will block until the message is actually sent.

The DirectPlay protocol's throttling mechanism guarantees that the client will not receive messages faster than they can be handled. However, the throttling protocol does not control how frequently you submit messages to the outgoing queue. You can easily end up with a large backlog of messages in your unsent message queues. You can avoid this situation by sending messages as infrequently as possible, but then you might unnecessarily degrade the user's experience. An optimal messaging strategy sends messages as fast as possible without exceeding the target's ability to handle them.

The following are tips for optimizing your messaging strategy.

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