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Following is a selection of functions that allow you to change the behavior of DXUT and to retrieve internal variables.
Function | Description |
Window Management | |
DXUTGetHINSTANCE | Gets a handle to the application instance. |
DXUTGetHWND | Gets a handle to the current device window. |
DXUTGetHWNDFocus | Gets the handle of the focus window. |
DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen | Gets the handle of the full-screen mode device window. |
DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed | Gets the handle of the windowed mode device window. |
DXUTGetWindowClientRect | Gets the client rectangle of the application device window. |
DXUTGetWindowTitle | Gets a pointer to the application window title. |
DXUTIsWindowed | Indicates whether the application is in windowed mode. |
Device Management | |
DXUTSetCursorSettings | Sets options for cursor usage in full-screen mode. |
DXUTSetMultimonSettings | Sets options for how the framework functions on multiple monitors. |
DXUTToggleFullscreen | Switches the application between windowed and full-screen modes. |
DXUTToggleREF | Switches the application between hal and reference devices. |
DXUT Framework Management | |
DXUTResetFrameworkState | Resets the framework state to its initial default state. All previous framework state changes are lost. |
DXUTShutdown | Triggers program termination and framework cleanup. |
DXUTGetExitCode | Gets the framework exit code. |
Direct3D Variable Retrieval | |
DXUTGetD3DObject | Gets a pointer to the IDirect3D9 object. |
DXUTGetD3DDevice | Gets a pointer to the IDirect3DDevice9 interface that represents the current device. |
DXUTGetDeviceSettings | Gets the DXUTDeviceSettings structure used to create the current device. |
DXUTGetPresentParameters | Gets the presentation parameters of the current device. |
DXUTGetBackBufferSurfaceDesc | Gets a pointer to a D3DSURFACE_DESC surface description of the back buffer on the current adapter. |
DXUTGetDeviceCaps | Gets a pointer to the D3DCAPS9 capabilities of the current device. |
Statistics | |
DXUTGetFPS | Gets the current number of frames being presented per second. |
DXUTGetFrameStats | Gets a pointer to a string containing the current number of frames per second, resolution, back buffer format, and depth stencil format. |
DXUTGetDeviceStats | Gets a pointer to a string containing the current device type, vertex processing behavior, and device name. |
Time | |
DXUTGetTime | Gets the current time, in seconds. |
DXUTGetElapsedTime | Gets the time elapsed since the last frame. |
DXUTSetConstantFrameTime | Enables or disables a constant frame time. |
Timer | |
DXUTSetTimer | Installs a new timer. |
DXUTKillTimer | Uninstalls an existing timer. |
Pause | |
DXUTPause | Sets the paused state of the framework internal timer and/or rendering process. |
DXUTIsRenderingPaused | Indicates whether rendering has been paused on the current device. |
DXUTIsTimePaused | Indicates whether time has been paused on the current device. |
User Input | |
DXUTIsKeyDown | Indicates whether a specified keyboard key is up or down at the time the function is called. |
DXUTIsMouseButtonDown | Indicates whether a specified mouse button is up or down at the time the function is called. |