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The CSound sample class represents a sound in one or more static buffers. An object of this class can be used to play multiple instances of a sound effect. The object is usually created through a call to the Create method of the CSoundManager Sample Class.
class CSound { protected: LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER* m_apDSBuffer; DWORD m_dwDSBufferSize; CWaveFile* m_pWaveFile; DWORD m_dwNumBuffers; DWORD m_dwCreationFlags; HRESULT RestoreBuffer(LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER pDSB, BOOL* pbWasRestored); public: CSound(LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER* apDSBuffer, DWORD dwDSBufferSize, DWORD dwNumBuffers, CWaveFile* pWaveFile, DWORD dwCreationFlags); virtual ~CSound(); HRESULT Get3DBufferInterface(DWORD dwIndex, LPDIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER* ppDS3DBuffer); HRESULT FillBufferWithSound(LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER pDSB, BOOL bRepeatWavIfBufferLarger); LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER GetFreeBuffer(); LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER GetBuffer(DWORD dwIndex); HRESULT Play(DWORD dwPriority = 0, DWORD dwFlags = 0, LONG lVolume = 0, LONG lFrequency = 0); HRESULT Play3D(LPDS3DBUFFER p3DBuffer, DWORD dwPriority = 0, DWORD dwFlags = 0, LONG lFrequency = 0); HRESULT Stop(); HRESULT Reset(); BOOL IsSoundPlaying(); };
The constructor fills one or more buffers with the data from a specified WAV file and initializes private data members.
The class contains the following public methods, in alphabetical order.
Method | Description |
FillBufferWithSound | Fills the specified buffer with the data from the WAV file that was passed to the object constructor. If the buffer is larger than the data, data can optionally be repeated; otherwise the rest of the buffer is filled with silence. |
Get3DBufferInterface | Retrieves the IDirectSound3DBuffer8 interface pointer for the specified buffer, if the buffer has 3D capabilities. |
GetBuffer | Retrieves the IDirectSoundBuffer interface of the specified buffer. Use QueryInterface to retrieve IDirectSoundBuffer8. |
GetFreeBuffer | Retrieves the IDirectSoundBuffer interface of the first buffer that is not playing. If all buffers are playing, the method returns a randomly selected buffer. Use QueryInterface to retrieve IDirectSoundBuffer8. |
IsSoundPlaying | Returns a Boolean variable that indicates whether the specified buffer is playing. |
Play | Plays a buffer. The method selects the buffer to play by calling GetFreeBuffer, and restores it if necessary The application can pass in a voice management flag; the DSBPLAY_LOOPING flag to repeat the sound; a volume in hundredths of decibels (where 0 is full volume and -10,000 is silence); and a frequency in hertz that is added to the basic frequency of the sound. |
Play3D | Plays a 3D buffer. This method is similar to Play, but the application also passes in a DS3DBUFFER structure describing the 3D parameters to be set. (Note that if the CSound object has more than one buffer, there is no way to determine which one is played by this call. If you want to set 3D parameters dynamically while the buffer is playing, add functionality to return a buffer pointer.) |
Reset | Sets the play cursor on all buffers to the beginning. |
Stop | Stops all buffers. |
The class is implemented in (SDK root)\samples\C++\Common\DXUTsound.cpp.