Constants used by D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS.

#define Value Description
D3DPRESENTFLAG_DEVICECLIP 0x00000004 Clip a windowed IDirect3DDevice9::Present blit into the window client area, within the monitor screen area of the video adapter that created the Direct3D device. This constant works on Windows 2000 and Windows XP only.
D3DPRESENTFLAG_DISCARD_DEPTHSTENCIL 0x00000002 Set this flag when the device or swap chain is created to enable z-buffer discarding. If this flag is set, the contents of the depth stencil buffer will be invalid after calling either IDirect3DDevice9::Present, or IDirect3DDevice9::SetDepthStencilSurface with a different depth surface.

Discarding z-buffer data can increase performance and is driver dependent. The debug runtime will enforce discarding by clearing the z-buffer to some constant value after calling either IDirect3DDevice9::Present, or IDirect3DDevice9::SetDepthStencilSurface with a different depth surface.

Discarding z-buffer data is illegal for all lockable formats, D3DFMT_D16_LOCKABLE and D3DFMT_D32F_LOCKABLE. Any use of IDirect3D9::CreateDevice specifying a lockable format and z-buffer discarding will fail. For more information about formats, see D3DFORMAT.

D3DPRESENTFLAG_LOCKABLE_BACKBUFFER 0x00000001 Set this flag if the application requires the ability to lock the back buffer directly. Note that back buffers are not lockable unless the application specifies D3DPRESENTFLAG_LOCKABLE_BACKBUFFER when calling IDirect3D9::CreateDevice or IDirect3DDevice9::Reset. Lockable back buffers incur a performance cost on some graphics hardware configurations.

Performing a lock operation (or using IDirect3DDevice9::UpdateSurface to write) on the lockable back buffer decreases performance on many cards. In this case, consider using textured triangles to move data to the back buffer.

D3DPRESENTFLAG_VIDEO 0x00000010 This is a hint to the driver that the back buffers will contain video data.

These constants are used by D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS.

Constant Information

Header d3d9types.h
Minimum operating system Windows 98