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Calculate the Fresnel term.
FLOAT D3DXFresnelTerm( FLOAT CosTheta, FLOAT RefractionIndex );
This function returns the Fresnel term for unpolarized light. CosTheta is the cosine of the incident angle.
To find the Fresnel term (F):
If A is angle of incidence and B is the angle of refraction, then
F = 0.5 * [tan2(A - B) / tan2(A + B) + sin2(A - B) / sin2(A + B)] = 0.5 * sin2(A - B) / sin2(A + B) * [cos2(A + B) / cos2(A - B) + 1] Let r = sina(A) / sin(B) (the relative refractive index) Let c = cos(A) Let g = (r2 + c2 - 1)1/2
Then, expanding using the trig identities and simplifying, you get:
F = 0.5 * (g + c)2 / (g - c)2 * ([c(g + c) - 1]2 / [c(g - c) + 1]2 + 1)
Header: Declared in D3dx9math.h.