The following flags are used to specify sprite rendering options to the flags parameter in the ID3DXSprite::Begin method:

#define Description
D3DXSPRITE_DONOTSAVESTATE The device state is not to be saved or restored when ID3DXSprite::Begin or ID3DXSprite::End is called.
D3DXSPRITE_DONOTMODIFY_RENDERSTATE The device render state is not to be changed when ID3DXSprite::Begin is called. The device is assumed to be in a valid state to draw vertices containing UsageIndex = 0 in the D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION, D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD, and D3DDECLUSAGE_COLOR data.
D3DXSPRITE_OBJECTSPACE The world, view, and projection transforms are not modified. The transforms currently set to the device are used to transform the sprites when the batched sprites are drawn (when ID3DXSprite::Flush or ID3DXSprite::End is called). If this flag is not specified, then world, view, and projection transforms are modified so that sprites are drawn in screen-space coordinates.
D3DXSprite__BILLBOARD Each sprite will be rotated about its center so that it is facing the viewer. ID3DXSprite::SetWorldViewLH or ID3DXSprite::SetWorldViewRH must be called first.
D3DXSPRITE_ALPHABLEND Enables alpha blending with D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE set to TRUE (for nonzero alpha). D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA will be the source blend state, and D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA will be the destination blend state in calls to IDirect3DDevice9::SetRenderState. See Alpha Blending State. ID3DXFont expects this flag to be set when drawing text.
D3DXSprite__SORT_TEXTURE Sort sprites by texture prior to drawing. This can improve performance when drawing non-overlapping sprites of uniform depth.

You may also combine D3DXSprite__SORT_TEXTURE with either D3DXSprite__SORT_DEPTH_FRONTTOBACK or D3DXSprite__SORT_DEPTH_BACKTOFRONT. This will sort the list of sprites by depth first and texture second.

D3DXSprite__SORT_DEPTH_FRONTTOBACK Sprites are sorted by depth in front-to-back order prior to drawing. This procedure is recommended when drawing opaque sprites of varying depths.

You may combine D3DXSprite__SORT_DEPTH_FRONTTOBACK with D3DXSprite__SORT_TEXTURE to sort first by depth, and second by texture.

D3DXSprite__SORT_DEPTH_BACKTOFRONT Sprites are sorted by depth in back-to-front order prior to drawing. This procedure is recommended when drawing transparent sprites of varying depths.

You may combine D3DXSprite__SORT_DEPTH_BACKTOFRONT with D3DXSprite__SORT_TEXTURE to sort first by depth, and second by texture.

Constant Information

Header d3dx9core.h
Minimum operating system Windows 98