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The following flags are used to specify sprite rendering options to the flags parameter in the ID3DXSprite::Begin method:
#define | Description |
D3DXSPRITE_DONOTSAVESTATE | The device state is not to be saved or restored when ID3DXSprite::Begin or ID3DXSprite::End is called. |
D3DXSPRITE_DONOTMODIFY_RENDERSTATE | The device render state is not to be changed when ID3DXSprite::Begin is called. The device is assumed to be in a valid state to draw vertices containing UsageIndex = 0 in the D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION, D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD, and D3DDECLUSAGE_COLOR data. |
D3DXSPRITE_OBJECTSPACE | The world, view, and projection transforms are not modified. The transforms currently set to the device are used to transform the sprites when the batched sprites are drawn (when ID3DXSprite::Flush or ID3DXSprite::End is called). If this flag is not specified, then world, view, and projection transforms are modified so that sprites are drawn in screen-space coordinates. |
D3DXSprite__BILLBOARD | Each sprite will be rotated about its center so that it is facing the viewer. ID3DXSprite::SetWorldViewLH or ID3DXSprite::SetWorldViewRH must be called first. |
D3DXSPRITE_ALPHABLEND | Enables alpha blending with D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE set to TRUE (for nonzero alpha). D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA will be the source blend state, and D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA will be the destination blend state in calls to IDirect3DDevice9::SetRenderState. See Alpha Blending State. ID3DXFont expects this flag to be set when drawing text. |
D3DXSprite__SORT_TEXTURE | Sort sprites by texture prior to drawing. This can improve performance when drawing non-overlapping sprites of uniform depth.
You may also combine D3DXSprite__SORT_TEXTURE with either D3DXSprite__SORT_DEPTH_FRONTTOBACK or D3DXSprite__SORT_DEPTH_BACKTOFRONT. This will sort the list of sprites by depth first and texture second. |
D3DXSprite__SORT_DEPTH_FRONTTOBACK | Sprites are sorted by depth in front-to-back order prior to drawing. This procedure is recommended when drawing opaque sprites of varying depths.
You may combine D3DXSprite__SORT_DEPTH_FRONTTOBACK with D3DXSprite__SORT_TEXTURE to sort first by depth, and second by texture. |
D3DXSprite__SORT_DEPTH_BACKTOFRONT | Sprites are sorted by depth in back-to-front order prior to drawing. This procedure is recommended when drawing transparent sprites of varying depths.
You may combine D3DXSprite__SORT_DEPTH_BACKTOFRONT with D3DXSprite__SORT_TEXTURE to sort first by depth, and second by texture. |
Header | d3dx9core.h |
Minimum operating system | Windows 98 |