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Used by the IDirectInputDevice8::CreateEffect method to initialize a new IDirectInputEffect Interface object. It is also used by the IDirectInputEffect::SetParameters and IDirectInputEffect::GetParameters methods.
typedef struct DIEFFECT { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwDuration; DWORD dwSamplePeriod; DWORD dwGain; DWORD dwTriggerButton; DWORD dwTriggerRepeatInterval; DWORD cAxes; LPDWORD rgdwAxes; LPLONG rglDirection; LPDIENVELOPE lpEnvelope; DWORD cbTypeSpecificParams; LPVOID lpvTypeSpecificParams; DWORD dwStartDelay; } DIEFFECT, *LPDIEFFECT;
If the device is not capable of playing back the effect at the specified rate, it chooses the supported rate that is closest to the requested value.
Setting a custom dwSamplePeriod can be used for special effects. For example, playing a sine wave at an artificially large sample period results in a rougher texture.
Support for trigger repeat for an effect is indicated by the presence of the DIEP_TRIGGERREPEATINTERVAL flag in the dwStaticParams member of the DIEffectInfo structure.
The number of axes for an effect cannot be changed once it has been set.
The list of axes associated with an effect cannot be changed once it has been set.
No more than 32 axes can be associated with a single effect.
If Cartesian, each value in rglDirection is associated with the corresponding axis in rgdwAxes.
If polar, the angle is measured in hundredths of degrees from the (0, - 1) direction, rotated in the direction of (1, 0). This usually means that north is away from the user, and east is to the user's right. The last element is not used.
If spherical, the first angle is measured in hundredths of a degree from the (1, 0) direction, rotated in the direction of (0, 1). The second angle (if the number of axes is three or more) is measured in hundredths of a degree toward (0, 0, 1). The third angle (if the number of axes is four or more) is measured in hundredths of a degree toward (0, 0, 0, 1), and so on. The last element is not used.
If the effect is of type DIEFT_CONDITION, this member contains a pointer to an array of DICONDITION structures that define the parameters for the condition. A single structure may be used, in which case the condition is applied in the direction specified in the rglDirection array. Otherwise, there must be one structure for each axis, in the same order as the axes in rgdwAxes array. If a structure is supplied for each axis, the effect should not be rotated; you should use the following values in the rglDirection array:
If the effect is of type DIEFT_CUSTOMFORCE, this member contains a pointer to a DICUSTOMFORCE structure that defines the parameters for the custom force.
If the effect is of type DIEFT_PERIODIC, this member contains a pointer to a DIPERIODIC structure that defines the parameters for the effect.
If the effect is of type DIEFT_CONSTANTFORCE, this member contains a pointer to a DICONSTANTFORCE structure that defines the parameters for the constant force.
If the effect is of type DIEFT_RAMPFORCE, this member contains a pointer to a DIRAMPFORCE structure that defines the parameters for the ramp force.
Note The rglDirection array must contain cAxes entries, even if polar or spherical coordinates are given. In these cases, the last element in the rglDirection array is reserved and must be 0.