
Gets DXUT exit code.

INT DXUTGetExitCode();



Return Values

A DXUT exit code, which will be one of the following possible values.
Value Description
0 Successful execution.
1 An undetermined error occurred.
2 No IDirect3D9 object could be found.
3 No IDirect3DDevice9 device could be found with the specified device settings.
4 The DirectX SDK media file could not be found.
5 The IDirect3DDevice9 device has a non-zero reference count, meaning that some objects were not released.
6 An error occurred when attempting to create an IDirect3DDevice9 device.
7 An error occurred when attempting to reset an IDirect3DDevice9 device.
8 An error occurred in the device creation callback function.
9 An error occurred in the device creation callback function.
10 The incorrect version of Direct3D or D3DX is installed.
11 The device used upon exit was a D3DDEVTYPE_REf device type.


The return value of this function is typically used as the return code of the application's WinMain function. Command-line tests can be performed on applications using this return code.

The following is an example of command-line usage that returns DXUT exit code:

start /wait BasicHLSL.exe
echo %errorlevel%


Header: Declared in Dxut.h.