Enables or disables a constant frame time.
HRESULT DXUTSetConstantFrameTime( BOOL bEnabled, FLOAT fTimePerFrame );
If the function succeeds, the return value is S_OK. If the function fails, the return value can be one of the error codes in DXUTERR.
This function simulates a fixed-frame rate render loop by sending a constant value for elapsed time to the LPDXUTCALLBACKFRAMEMOVE and LPDXUTCALLBACKFRAMERENDER callback functions. The default rate is one second for every 30 frames. The application itself will continue to render at an unregulated rate (which may be far higher than the specified frame rate).
This function is useful for saving the rendered output to a video format for playback, allowing animation at a rate independent of the actual rate at which frames were rendered.
Header: Declared in Dxut.h.