A callback function that must be implemented by a user to set a texture.
HRESULT SetTexture(
DWORD Stage,
- Stage
- [in] The stage to which the texture is assigned. This is the index value in IDirect3DDevice9::SetTexture or IDirect3DDevice9::SetTextureStageState.
- pTexture
- [in] A pointer to the texture object. This can be any of the Direct3D texture types (cube, volume, etc.). See IDirect3DBaseTexture9.
Return Values
The user-implemented method should return S_OK. If the callback fails when setting the device state, either of the following will occur:
- The effect will fail during ID3DXEffect::BeginPass.
- The dynamic effect state call (such as IDirect3DDevice9::SetTexture) will fail.
Header: Declared in D3dx9effect.h.