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Starts an active technique.
HRESULT Begin( UINT* pPasses, DWORD Flags );
If the method succeeds, the return value is D3D_OK. If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.
An application sets one active technique in the effect system by calling ID3DXEffect::Begin. The effect system responds by capturing all the pipeline state that can be changed by the technique in a state block. An application signals the end of a technique by calling ID3DXEffect::End, which uses the state block to restore the original state. The effect system therefore takes care of saving state when a technique becomes active and restoring state when a technique ends. If you choose to disable this save and restore functionality, see D3DXFX_DONOTSAVESAMPLERSTATE.
Within the ID3DXEffect::Begin and ID3DXEffect::End pair, an application uses ID3DXEffect::BeginPass to set the active pass, ID3DXEffect::CommitChanges if any state changes occured after the pass was activated, and ID3DXEffect::EndPass to end the active pass.
Header: Declared in D3dx9effect.h.