Applications use the methods of the ID3DXMesh interface to manipulate mesh objects.


ID3DXMesh Members

Method Description
ID3DXMesh::LockAttributeBuffer Locks the mesh buffer that contains the mesh attribute data, and returns a pointer to it.
ID3DXMesh::Optimize Generates a new mesh with reordered faces and vertices to optimize drawing performance.
ID3DXMesh::OptimizeInplace Generates a mesh with reordered faces and vertices to optimize drawing performance. This method reorders the existing mesh.
ID3DXMesh::SetAttributeTable Sets the attribute table for a mesh and the number of entries stored in the table.
ID3DXMesh::UnlockAttributeBuffer Unlocks an attribute buffer.


To obtain the ID3DXMesh interface, call either the D3DXCreateMesh or D3DXCreateMeshFVF function.

This interface inherits additional functionality from the ID3DXBaseMesh interface.

The LPD3DXMESH type is defined as a pointer to the ID3DXMesh interface.

typedef struct ID3DXMesh *LPD3DXMESH;

See Also

Mesh Functions


Header: Declared in D3dx9mesh.h.

Import Library: Use D3dx9.lib.