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Sets the attribute table for a mesh and the number of entries stored in the table.
HRESULT SetAttributeTable( CONST D3DXATTRIBUTERANGE * pAttribTable, DWORD cAttribTableSize );
If the method succeeds, the return value is D3D_OK. If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL, E_OUTOFMEMORY.
If an application keeps track of the information in an attribute table, and rearranges the table as a result of changes to attributes or faces, this method allows the application to update the attribute tables instead of calling ID3DXMesh::Optimize again.
Header: Declared in D3dx9mesh.h.
ID3DXMesh::LockAttributeBuffer, ID3DXMesh::LockAttributeBuffer