The ID3DXPRTBuffer interface is used as a data buffer to store vertex and pixel data for use with precomputed radiance transfer (PRT) methods and functions.

ID3DXPRTBuffer Members

Method Description
ID3DXPRTBuffer::AddBuffer Adds another buffer to the ID3DXPRTBuffer and stores the results in ID3DXPRTBuffer.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::AttachGH Associates an ID3DXTextureGutterHelper object with the ID3DXPRTBuffer object.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::EvalGH Applies stored texture gutter data to an ID3DXPRTBuffer texture buffer.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::ExtractTexture Extracts coefficient data from a color channel of the buffer for a specified range of coefficients, and adds the data to an IDirect3DTexture9 object.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::ExtractToMesh Extracts coefficient data from a single-channel buffer and adds the data to an ID3DXMesh object.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::GetHeight Retrieves the height of the texture, in pixels.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::GetNumChannels Retrieves the number of color channels used in memory to store samples.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::GetNumCoeffs Retrieves the number of scalars per color channel used in memory to store samples.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::GetNumSamples Retrieves the number of vertices (or texels) sampled.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::GetWidth Retrieves the width of the texture, in pixels.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::IsTexture Indicates whether the buffer contains a texture.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::LockBuffer Locks a range of vertex or texel sample data and obtains a pointer to the location in buffer memory.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::ReleaseGH Unassociates an attached ID3DXTextureGutterHelper object with the ID3DXPRTBuffer object.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::Resize Changes the number of samples contained in the buffer.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::ScaleBuffer Multiplies every value in the buffer by a constant value.
ID3DXPRTBuffer::UnlockBuffer Ends the lifespan of the ID3DXPRTBuffer::LockBuffer pointer returned by ID3DXPRTBuffer::LockBuffer.


The ID3DXPRTBuffer interface is obtained by calling the D3DXCreatePRTBuffer or D3DXCreatePRTBufferTex functions.

The LPD3DXPRTBUFFER type is defined as a pointer to the ID3DXPRTBuffer interface.

typedef interface ID3DXPRTBuffer ID3DXPRTBuffer;
typedef interface ID3DXPRTBuffer *LPD3DXPRTBUFFER;

See Also

D3DXCreatePRTBuffer, D3DXCreatePRTBufferTex, ID3DXPRTCompBuffer


Header: Declared in D3dx9mesh.h.

Import Library: Use D3dx9.lib.