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Create an off-screen surface.
HRESULT CreateOffscreenPlainSurface( UINT Width, UINT Height, D3DFORMAT Format, DWORD Pool, IDirect3DSurface9** ppSurface, HANDLE* pSharedHandle );
If the method succeeds, the return value is D3D_OK. If the method fails, the return value can be the following: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL.
D3DPOOL_SCRATCH will return a surface that has identical characteristics to a surface created by the DirectX 8.x method CreateImageSurface.
D3DPOOL_DEFAULT is the appropriate pool for use with the IDirect3DDevice9::StretchRect and IDirect3DDevice9::ColorFill.
D3DPOOL_MANAGED is not allowed when creating an offscreen plain surface. For more information about memory pools, see D3DPOOL.
Off-screen plain surfaces are always lockable, regardless of their pool types.
Header: Declared in D3d9.h.