
The SetConeOutsideVolume method sets the volume of the sound outside the outside angle of the sound projection cone.

HRESULT SetConeOutsideVolume(
  LONG lConeOutsideVolume,
  DWORD dwApply


Cone outside volume, in hundredths of a decibel.
Value that specifies when the setting should be applied. This value must be one of the those shown in the following table.
Value Description
DS3D_DEFERRED Settings are not applied until the application calls the CommitDeferredSettings method. This allows the application to change several settings and generate a single recalculation.
DS3D_IMMEDIATE Settings are applied immediately, causing the system to recalculate the 3D coordinates for all 3D sound buffers.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is DS_OK. If the method fails, the return value may be DSERR_INVALIDPARAM.


Volume levels are represented by attenuation. Allowable values are between DSBVOLUME_MAX (no attenuation) and DSBVOLUME_MIN (silence). The default value is DS3D_DEFAULTCONEOUTSIDEVOLUME (no attenuation). These values are defined in Dsound.h. DirectSound does not support amplification.


Header: Declared in Dsound.h.

Import Library: Use Dsound3d.dll.

See Also
