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Saves templates to a DirectX file. Deprecated.
HRESULT SaveTemplates( DWORD cTemplates, CONST GUID ** ppguidTemplates );
If the method succeeds, the return value is DXFILE_OK. If the method fails, the return value can be DXFILEERR_BADVALUE.
The following code fragment provides an example call to IDirectXFileSaveObject::SaveTemplates and example contents for the array to which ppguidTemplates points.
IDirectXFileSaveObject * pDXFileSaveObject; const GUID *aIds[] = { &DXFILEOBJ_SimpleData, &DXFILEOBJ_ArrayData, &DXFILEOBJ_RestrictedData}; hr = pDXFileSaveObject->SaveTemplates(3, aIds);
After using this method to save the templates, use the IDirectXFileSaveObject::CreateDataObject method to create a data object.
Header: Declared in Dxfile.h.