The following chart lists the HRESULT codes returned by Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT) APIs, and their meanings.
Error Code | Meaning |
XACTENGINE_E_OUTOFMEMORY | The system has run out of memory. |
XACTENGINE_E_INVALIDARG | One or more arguments to a function or method are invalid. |
XACTENGINE_E_NOTIMPL | The called function or method has not been implemented. |
XACTENGINE_E_FAIL | A failure of an unspecified type has occured. |
XACTENGINE_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED | The engine has already been initialized. |
XACTENGINE_E_NOTINITIALIZED | The engine has not yet been initialized. |
XACTENGINE_E_EXPIRED | The engine is a pre-release version and has expired. |
XACTENGINE_E_NONOTIFICATIONCALLBACK | No notification callback has been registered with the engine. |
XACTENGINE_E_NOTIFICATIONREGISTERED | A notification callback has already been registered. |
XACTENGINE_E_INVALIDUSAGE | The method or function called cannot be used in the manner requested. |
XACTENGINE_E_INVALIDDATA | The data used by the method or function is invalid. |
XACTENGINE_E_INSTANCELIMITFAILTOPLAY | A sound or cue has reached an instance limit and cannot be played. |
XACTENGINE_E_NOGLOBALSETTINGS | Global settings have not been loaded. |
XACTENGINE_E_INVALIDVARIABLEINDEX | The specified variable index is invalid. |
XACTENGINE_E_INVALIDCATEGORY | The specified category is invalid. |
XACTENGINE_E_INVALIDCUEINDEX | The specified cue index is invalid. |
XACTENGINE_E_INVALIDWAVEINDEX | The specified wave index is invalid. |
XACTENGINE_E_INVALIDTRACKINDEX | The specified track index is invalid. |
XACTENGINE_E_INVALIDSOUNDOFFSETORINDEX | The specified sound offset or index is invalid. |
XACTENGINE_E_READFILE | An error has occured while attempting to read a file. |
XACTENGINE_E_UNKNOWNEVENT | The event specified could not be found. |
XACTENGINE_E_INCALLBACK | An invalid method or function was called during a callback function. |
XACTENGINE_E_NOWAVEBANK | No wavebank exists for the requested operation. |
XACTENGINE_E_SELECTVARIATION | A variation could not be selected. |
XACTENGINE_E_AUDITION_WRITEFILE | An error has occured while writing a file during auditioning. |
XACTENGINE_E_AUDITION_NOSOUNDBANK | A required sound bank is missing. |
XACTENGINE_E_AUDITION_INVALIDRPCINDEX | A required wave bank is missing. |
XACTENGINE_E_AUDITION_MISSINGDATA | A required set of data is missing for the requested audition command. |
XACTENGINE_E_AUDITION_UNKNOWNCOMMAND | The audition command requested is not known. |