Title-defined function called by XACT to receive notifications.

typedef void (__stdcall *XACT_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK)(
    const XACT_NOTIFICATION *pNotification


Pointer to an XACT_NOTIFICATION structure containing the notification data.

Return Values



Any XACT function or method that allocates or deallocates memory cannot be called from within this callback. The following tables detail which routines are allowed.

IXACTEngine Method Allowed
IXACTEngine::CreateInMemoryWaveBank No
IXACTEngine::CreateSoundBank No
IXACTEngine::CreateStreamingWaveBank No
IXACTEngine::DoWork No
IXACTEngine::GetCategory Yes
IXACTEngine::GetGlobalVariable Yes
IXACTEngine::GetGlobalVariableIndex Yes
IXACTEngine::Initialize Yes*
IXACTEngine::Pause Yes
IXACTEngine::RegisterNotification No
IXACTEngine::SetGlobalVariable No
IXACTEngine::SetVolume Yes
IXACTEngine::ShutDown No
IXACTEngine::Stop No
IXACTEngine::UnRegisterNotification No

* IXACTEngine::Initialize should be called only once per IXACTEngine instance in an application. Since you cannot receive callbacks without an already initialized engine, you may only call IXACTEngine::Initialize from a callback if you are initializing a different, uninitialized IXACTEngine than the one that is associated with the current callback.

IXACTCue Method Allowed
IXACTCue::Destroy No
IXACTCue::GetChannelMap Yes
IXACTCue::GetChannelVolume Yes
IXACTCue::GetState Yes
IXACTCue::GetVariable No
IXACTCue::GetVariableIndex Yes
IXACTCue::Pause Yes
IXACTCue::Play Yes
IXACTCue::SetChannelMap No
IXACTCue::SetChannelVolume Yes
IXACTCue::SetVariable No
IXACTCue::Stop Yes
IXACTSoundBank Method Allowed
IXACTSoundBank::Destroy No
IXACTSoundBank::GetCueIndex Yes
IXACTSoundBank::GetState Yes
IXACTSoundBank::Play No
IXACTSoundBank::Prepare No
IXACTSoundBank::Stop Yes
IXACTWaveBank Method Allowed
IXACTWaveBank::Destroy No
IXACTWaveBank::GetState Yes


Header: Declared in Xact.h.

See Also

XACT Callbacks