Retrieves the sound rendering and sound capture device GUIDs that are associated with the headset connected to the specified controller.
DWORD XInputGetDSoundAudioDeviceGuids( DWORD dwUserIndex, GUID* pDSoundRenderGuid, GUID* pDSoundCaptureGuid );
If the function successfully retrieves the device IDs for render and capture, the return code is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If there is no headset connected to the controller, the function will also retrieve ERROR_SUCCESS with GUID_NULL as the values for pDSoundRenderGuid and pDSoundCaptureGuid.
If the controller port device is not physically connected, the function will return ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED.
If the function fails, it will return a valid Win32 error code.
Header: Declared in XInput.h.
Import Library: Use Xinput.lib.