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The object view displays Direct3D objects created by the target program. Use this view to quickly find and open objects.
The object view displays each object in a large table; one object per row. Any object that contains state (whose status is Alive) can be viewed in the details view, by right clicking on the open and selecting view from the contextual menu that opens.
By object view displays the following object properties.
Column Name | Description |
Address | Address of the object in memory. |
Type | The Direct3D object type. |
Created By | How the object was created. The choices are:
Creation | The number of the frame when the object was created. |
Destruction | The frame number when the object was destroyed. |
Status | Alive or Dead. Alive means at least one render event has occurred after the event was created; dead otherwise. Objects initially have a Dead status. |
App Refs | The number of references that the target program holds for that object. |
Size | Size of the object (in bytes). |
Pool | The memory pool the resource was created in. For Direct3D 9 objects, see D3DPOOL. |
Usage | The resource usage. For Direct3D 9 objects, see D3DUSAGE. |
Format | The resource data format. For Direct3D 9 objects, see D3DFORMAT. |
Width | Width (in pixels) |
Height | Height (in pixels) |
Depth | Depth (in pixels) |
Mips | The number of mip levels |
The status bar at the bottom of the table displays the number of objects displayed as well as the total number of objects.
Use the following options to configure the data that is displayed in the table.
An object can only be selected if it is active (the status column for the object shows alive status). Objects are active only after PIX has rendered at least one frame. To activate all objects, click the render tab in the details view.
To select an object, right click on it to display a contextual menu.
The contextual menu display the static properties which are grayed out. The menu also contains a View menu. Click on the view menu to display the object in the details view. If you prefer, you can double click an object to view it.
Each column has a down arrow located above and to the right of the column. The arrow button filters and sorts the column data. For example, here is the drop down for the Creation column.
The first two options are sorting options.
The remaining entries are filtering options. The filter options depend on the type of information in the column. In this example, the filtering options are: