Running PIX from the Command Line

Here are some examples launching PIX from the command line. To see a full list of the command-line options, see Command-Line Syntax.

Open a .PIXExp Experiment File

Assume the following.

Here is the syntax for running the experiment and saving the results to a run file.

PIXWin.exe game.PIXExp -targetpath game.exe -runfile game1.PIXRun -start

To change the location of where the run file will be saved, add the runfile option.

PIXWin.exe game.PIXExp -targetpath game.exe -runfile datafiles\game1.PIXRun -start

Save a .PIXRun File As a .csv File

Assume the following.

Here is the syntax for launching a run file and saving it to a .csv file.

PIXWin.exe game.PIXRun -exporttocsv game.csv

Compare Two Image Files

Assume the following.

Here is the syntax for opening both image files and doing a per-pixel comparison.

PIXWin.exe file1.jpg file2.jpg [-outputdiffxor diff.jpg]

See Also

PIX, Command-Line Syntax