Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT)

This section provides information about the Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT). This tool and its associated APIs allow developers and content providers to work together and bring vibrant sounds to a game.

Infomation is presented in the following sections:

What's New In XACT
A list of changes and new features in this release of XACT.
XACT Features
Describes the key features of the XACT framework for sound designers and game programmers.
XACT Best Practices
Best practices for designing and programming with XACT.
XACT Concepts and Terminology
An introduction to key concepts and terms used in XACT.
XACT Audio Authoring
A guide to creating audio content using XACT.
XACT Programming
A guide to programming the XACT engine for use in an application.
XACT Tutorials and Samples
A set of tutorials and samples that demonstrate how to use XACT.