Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound |
Microsoft DirectSound provides a system to capture sounds from input devices and play sounds through various playback devices using advanced 3-D positioning effects, and filters for echo, distortion, reverberation, and other effects. The following tables list the members exposed by the Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound namespace.
AccessDeniedException The request failed because access was denied. AllocatedException The request failed because resources, such as a priority level, were already in use by another caller. BadFormatException The specified wave format is not supported. BadSendBufferGuidException The globally unique identifier (GUID) specified in an audiopath file does not match a valid mix-in buffer. Buffer Contains methods and properties used to manage sound buffers. Buffer3D Contains methods and properties used to retrieve and set parameters that describe the position, orientation, and environment of a sound buffer in 3-D space. BufferDescription Contains properties and methods that describe the characteristics of a new buffer object. BufferLostException The buffer memory has been lost and must be restored. BufferTooSmallException The buffer size is not large enough to enable effects processing. Capture Contains properties and methods used to create sound capture buffers. CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect Represents a DirectSound capture effects object used to set and retrieve parameters on a capture buffer that supports acoustic echo cancellation. This object requires Microsoft Windows XP or later. CaptureBuffer Contains properties and methods used to manipulate sound capture buffers. CaptureDevicesCollection Represents a collection of DeviceInformation structures for each available capture device. CaptureNoiseSuppressEffect Represents a DirectSound capture effects object used to set and retrieve parameters on a capture buffer that supports noise suppression. This object requires Microsoft Windows XP or later. ChorusEffect Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports chorus. CompressorEffect Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports compression. ControlUnavailableException The buffer control (volume, pan, and so on) requested by the caller is not available. Controls must be specified when the buffer is created. Device Contains methods and properties used to create buffer objects, manage devices, and set up the environment. DevicesCollection Represents a collection of DeviceInformation structures for each available sound device. DistortionEffect Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports distortion. DSoundHelper Contains helper methods and fields for DirectSound. EchoEffect Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports echo. EffectsUnavailableException The effects requested could not be found on the system, or they are in the wrong order or in the wrong location; for example, an effect expected in hardware was found in software. FlangerEffect Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports flange. FullDuplex Represents a full-duplex stream. GargleEffect Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports amplitude modulation. Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports Interactive 3-D Audio Level 2 (I3DL2) reverberation effects. InvalidCallException The method call is invalid. For example, a method's parameter might not be valid. Listener3D Retrieves and sets parameters that describe a listener's position, orientation, and listening environment in 3-D space. NoAggregationException The object does not support aggregation. NoDriverException No sound driver is available for use, or the given GUID is not a valid DirectSound device ID. Notify Sets up notification events for a playback or capture buffer. ObjectNotFoundException The requested object was not found. OtherApplicationHasPriorityException Another application has a higher priority level, preventing this call from succeeding. ParamEqEffect Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports parametric equalizer effects. PriorityLevelNeededException A cooperative level of Priority or higher is required. SecondaryBuffer Contains methods and properties used to manage sound buffers that can support effects. SendLoopException A circular loop of send effects was detected. SoundException Root exception type for all DirectSound exceptions. Derives from DirectXException. UnsupportedException The function called is not supported at this time. WavesReverbEffect Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports Waves reverberation.
BufferDescriptionFlags Contains constants for specifying the capabilities of sound buffers. BufferPlayFlags Contains constants for specifying the play behavior of the buffer. BufferSize Contains constants for the minimum and maximum buffer size. CaptureEffectsReturnValue Contains constants for a CaptureBuffer object's effects status. CooperativeLevel Contains constants for a Device object's cooperative level. EffectsEnvironmentPreset Containts constants for reverberation presets for an Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect object. EffectsReturnValue Contains constants that describe the status of an effect object returned from a SecondaryBuffer object. EffectStatus Contains constants that describe the success of the effect in canceling the echo using a CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect object. Frequency Contains constants that describe the range of frequency, in samples per second, at which a software buffer can play. LockFlag Contains constants that describe how to lock a buffer while reading or writing to it. Mode3D Contains constents that describe the operation mode for 3-D sound processing. OperationMode Contains constants that describe the mode of a CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect object. Pan Contains constants which describe how a buffer plays a sound in the stereo (2-channel) field. PositionNotifyFlag Contains constants that are used to signify types of position notifications. Volume Contains constants that describe the minimum and maximum volume at which a buffer can play. WaveFormatTag Contains constants that describe waveform-audio format types.
Angles Contains properties that describe the inside and outside angles of the sound projection cone. Buffer3DSettings Contains properties that describe all the information necessary to uniquely describe the location, orientation, and motion of a 3-D sound buffer. BufferCaps Contains properties that describe the capabilities of a Buffer object or a SecondaryBuffer object. BufferPositionNotify Contains properties that describe a notification position. BufferStatus Contains properties that describe the status of a buffer. Caps Contains properties that describe the capabilities of a DirectSound Device object. CaptureBufferCaps Contains properties that describe the capabilities of a CaptureBuffer object. CaptureBufferDescription Contains properties that describe a CaptureBuffer object. CaptureCaps Contains properties that describes the capabilities of the capture device. CaptureEffectDescription Contains properties for an effect associated with a CaptureBuffer object. CaptureEffectsAcousticEchoCancellation Contains properties for acoustic echo cancellation in a capture buffer. CaptureEffectsNoiseSuppress Contains parameters for noise suppression in a capture buffer. DeviceInformation Contains properties that describe information about a device. EffectDescription Contains properties that describe an effect associated with a buffer. EffectsChorus Contains parameters for a chorus effect. EffectsCompressor Contains parameters for a compressor effect. EffectsDistortion Contains parameters for a distortion effect. EffectsEcho Contains parameters for an echo effect. EffectsFlanger Contains parameters for a flange effect. EffectsGargle Contains parameters for an amplitude modulation effect. EffectsInteractive3DLevel2Reverb Contains parameters for an I3DL2 (Interactive 3D Audio Level 2) reverberation effect. EffectsParamEq Contains parameters for a parametric equalizer effect. EffectsWavesReverb Contains parameters for a Waves reverberation effect. Listener3DOrientation Contains properties that encompass the front and top 3-D vectors for listeners orientation. Listener3DSettings Contains properties that describes the 3-D world parameters and the position of the listener. Speakers Contains properties that define various speaker configurations. WaveFormat Contains properties that define the format of waveform-audio data.
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