BaseMesh.GetObjectByValue Method


This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


Visual Basic Public Function GetObjectByValue( _
    ByVal uniqueKey As Integer _
) As IntPtr
C# public IntPtr GetObjectByValue(
    int uniqueKey
C++ public:
IntPtr GetObjectByValue(
    int uniqueKey
JScript public function GetObjectByValue(
    uniqueKey : int
) : IntPtr;


uniqueKey System.Int32
Object identifier.

Return Value

Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, ID3DXBaseMesh, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed BaseMesh class. Not supported.

Applies To

Mesh, ProgressiveMesh

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