Computes the direct-lighting contribution to 3-D objects where the source radiance is represented by a spherical harmonic (SH) approximation, using adaptive sampling. This method generates new vertices and faces on the mesh to more accurately approximate the precomputed radiance transfer (PRT) signal.
Visual Basic
Public Sub ComputeDirectLightingSphericalHarmonicsAdaptive( _ ByVal shOrder As Integer, _ ByVal adaptiveThreshold As Single, _ ByVal minEdgeLength As Single, _ ByVal maxSubDiv As Integer, _ ByVal data As PrtBuffer _ )
public voidComputeDirectLightingSphericalHarmonicsAdaptive( intshOrder, floatadaptiveThreshold, floatminEdgeLength, intmaxSubDiv, PrtBufferdata );
public: voidComputeDirectLightingSphericalHarmonicsAdaptive( intshOrder, floatadaptiveThreshold, floatminEdgeLength, intmaxSubDiv, PrtBuffer^ data );
public function ComputeDirectLightingSphericalHarmonicsAdaptive( shOrder : int, adaptiveThreshold : float, minEdgeLength : float, maxSubDiv : int, data : PrtBuffer );
System.Single Threshold on the PRT vector to use for subdividing mesh vertices and faces. If less than 1e-6f, a default value of 1e-6f is specified.
System.Single Minimum face edge length that will be generated in adaptive sampling. If the method determines that the value is too small, a model-dependent value is specified. If zero, a default value of 4 is specified.
System.Int32 Maximum level of subdivision of a face that will be used in adaptive sampling.