SphericalHarmonics.EvaluateDirection Method


Evaluates the spherical harmonic (SH) basis functions from an input direction vector.

Overload List

public static void EvaluateDirection(GraphicsStream, int, Vector3);
public static void EvaluateDirection(float[], int, Vector3);


Each coefficient of the basis function Ylm is stored at location l2 + m + l, where:

On the sphere with unit radius as shown, direction can be specified simply with theta, the angle about the z-axis in the right-handed direction, and phi, the angle from z.

Spherical coordinates

The following equations show the relationship between Cartesian (x, y, z) and spherical (theta, phi) coordinates on the unit sphere. The angle theta varies over the range of 0 to 2 pi, while phi varies from 0 to pi.

Spherical coordinates equations

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