Caps.MaxPrimitiveCount Property


Retrieves the maximum number of primitives for each Device.DrawPrimitives call.


Visual Basic Public ReadOnly Property MaxPrimitiveCount As Integer
C# public int MaxPrimitiveCount { get; }
C++ public:
property int MaxPrimitiveCount {
        int get();
JScript public function get MaxPrimitiveCount() : int

Property Value

An Int32 Leave Site value that indicates the maximum number of primitives for each Device.DrawPrimitives call.

This property is read-only. 


Note that when Microsoft Direct3D is working with a Microsoft DirectX 6.0 or DirectX 7.0 driver, this field is set to 0xFFFF. This means that not only the number of primitives but also the number of vertices is limited by this value.

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