ShaderInstructionInformation Structure


Contains data for retrieving shader instruction information.


Visual Basic Public Structure ShaderInstructionInformation
C# public struct ShaderInstructionInformation 
C++ public value class ShaderInstructionInformation sealed 
JScript In JScript, you can use structures, but you cannot define your own.

Members Table

Method Description
ShaderInstructionInformation Initializes a new instance of the ShaderInstructionInformation class.
ToString Obtains a string representation of the current instance.
Property Description
File Retrieves or sets the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the debug information to the file-name string.
Line Retrieves or sets the shader line number that contains the instruction.
Offset Retrieves or sets the offset for the shader instruction.


This structure is used to maintain information about a shader instruction, such as the offset of the file name string or the offset of the point at which the instruction begins.

Structure Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX (microsoft.directx.direct3dx.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492

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