Application-defined action value assigned to this object in the last call to Inputdevice9Setactionmap. This is the value in the uAppData member of the Diaction structure associated with the object. Ignore this value if you are not using action mapping. When the structure is used with the Inputdevice9Senddevicedata method, this member must be zero.
Data obtained from or sent to the device. For axis input, if the device is in relative axis mode, the relative axis motion is reported. If the device is in absolute axis mode, the absolute axis coordinate is reported.For button input, only the low byte of DwData is significant. The high bit of the low byte is set if the button was pressed; it is clear if the button was released.
Microsoft® DirectInput® sequence number for this event. All input events are assigned an increasing sequence number. This enables events from different devices to be sorted chronologically.
System time at which the input event was generated, in milliseconds. This value wraps around approximately every 50 days. See Remarks. When the structure is used with the Inputdevice9Senddevicedata method, this member must be 0.