MouseState Structure


Describes the state of a mouse device that has up to four buttons, or another device that is being accessed as if it were a mouse device. This structure is used with the Inputdevice9Getdevicestate method.


Visual Basic Public Structure MouseState
C# public struct MouseState 
C++ public value class MouseState sealed 
JScript In JScript, you can use structures, but you cannot define your own.

Members Table

Method Description
GetMouseButtons Array of buttons. The high-order bit of the byte is set if the corresponding button is down.
MouseState Initializes a new instance of the object.
ToString Obtains a string representation of the current instance.
Property Description
X X-axis.
Y Y-axis.
Z Z-axis, typically a wheel. If the mouse does not have a z-axis, the value is 0.

Structure Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput (microsoft.directx.directinput.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492

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