EffectsEnvironmentPreset Enumeration


Containts constants for reverberation presets for an Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect object.


Visual Basic Public Enum EffectsEnvironmentPreset
C# public enum EffectsEnvironmentPreset
C++ public enum class EffectsEnvironmentPreset
JScript public enum EffectsEnvironmentPreset


Member Value Description
Plate 29 Simulates a classic plate reverb.
LargeHall 28 Simulates the reverberation of a long hall.
MediumHall 27 Simulates the reverberation of being in a medium hall.
LargeRoom 26 Simulates the reverberation of being in a large room.
MediumRoom 25 Simulates the reverberation of being in a medium room.
SmallRoom 24 Simulates the reverberation of being in a small room.
UnderWater 23 Simulates the reverberation of being underwater.
SewerPipe 22 Simulates the reverberation of being in a sewer pipe.
ParkingLot 21 Simulates the reverberation of being in a parking lot.
Plain 20 Simulates the reverberation of being on a plain.
Quarry 19 Simulates the reverberation of being in a quarry.
Mountains 18 Simulates the reverberation of being in the mountains.
City 17 Simulates the reverberation of being in a city.
Forest 16 Simulates the reverberation of being in a forest.
Alley 15 Simulates the reverberation of being in an alley
StoneCorridor 14 Simulates the reverberation of being in a stone corridor.
Hallway 13 Simulates the reverberation of being in a normal hallway.
CarpetedHallway 12 Simulates the reverberation of being in a hallway with carpet.
Hangar 11 Simulates the reverberation of being in a hangar.
Arena 10 Simulates the reverberation of being in an arena.
Cave 9 Simulates the reverberation of being in a cave.
ConcertHall 8 Simulates the reverberation of being in a concert hall.
Auditorium 7 Simulates the reverberation of being in an auditorium.
StoneRoom 6 Simulates the reverberation of being in a room made of stone.
Livingroom 5 Simulates the reverberation of being in a living room.
Bathroom 4 Simulates the reverberation of being in a bathroom.
Room 3 Simulates the reverberation of being in a normal room.
PaddedCell 2 Simulates the reverberation of being in a padded room.
Generic 1 Preset uses generic settings.
Default 0 Preset uses default settings.

Enumeration Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound (microsoft.directx.directsound.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492

See Also

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