PositionNotifyFlag Enumeration |
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Contains constants that are used to signify types of position notifications.
Visual Basic Public Enum PositionNotifyFlag C# public enum PositionNotifyFlag C++ public enum class PositionNotifyFlag JScript public enum PositionNotifyFlag
Member Value Description OffsetStop -1 Causes the event to be signaled when playback or capture stops. None 0 No event is raised.
This enumeration can be used by the BufferPositionNotify.Offset property to signify events that are not absolute offset times. In order to use this enumeration as such, you must cast it to an integer, as in the following code:
int offsetStop = (int)PositionNotifyFlag.OffsetStop; BufferPositionNotify.Offset = offsetStop;
Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound (microsoft.directx.directsound.dll) Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound, Version=1.0.900.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492
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