EffectsCompressor Structure


How Do I...?

Contains parameters for a compressor effect.


Visual Basic Public Structure EffectsCompressor
C# public struct EffectsCompressor 
C++ public value class EffectsCompressor sealed 
JScript In JScript, you can use structures, but you cannot define your own.

Members Table

Method Description
EffectsCompressor Initializes a new instance of the EffectsCompressor structure.
ToString Obtains a string representation of the current instance.
Property Description
Attack Retrieves and sets the time before compression reaches its full value, in the EffectsCompressor structure.
Gain Retrieves and sets the output gain of signal after compression, in the EffectsCompressor structure.
Predelay Retrieves and sets the time after Threshold is reached before attack phase is started, in milliseconds, in the EffectsCompressor structure.
Ratio Retrieves and sets the compression ratio, in the EffectsCompressor structure.
Release Retrieves and sets the speed at which compression is stopped after input drops below Threshold, in the EffectsCompressor structure.
Threshold Retrieves and sets the point at which compression begins, in the EffectsCompressor structure.

How Do I...?

Use Effect Parameters

This C# example demonstrates how to use the parameters of an effect object from a SecondaryBuffer object.

The buffer object in this code snippet is assumed to be the SecondaryBuffer from the code in Add Effects to a SecondaryBuffer Object.

//Retrieve the effects object and //the effect param sturctures and edit parameters. EchoEffect echo = (EchoEffect)buffer.GetEffects(0); EffectsEcho echo_params = echo.AllParameters; echo_params.LeftDelay = 250.0f; echo_params.RightDelay = 100.0f; echo_params.Feedback = 85.0f; echo_params.PanDelay = 1; echo_params.WetDryMix = 50.0f; ChorusEffect chorus = (ChorusEffect)buffer.GetEffects(1); EffectsChorus chorus_params = chorus.AllParameters; chorus_params.Delay = 15.0f; chorus_params.Depth = ChorusEffect.DepthMax; chorus_params.Phase = ChorusEffect.PhaseNegative90; chorus_params.Waveform = ChorusEffect.WaveSin; chorus_params.WetDryMix = 50.0f; //Set the new parameters and play the buffer. echo.AllParameters = echo_params; chorus.AllParameters = chorus_params; buffer.Play(0,BufferPlayFlags.Default);

Structure Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound (microsoft.directx.directsound.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492

See Also

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