
After enumerating the Direct3D device drivers, the InitApp function in Rmmain.cpp calls the Direct3DRMCreate function to create the Retained-Mode API:



rval = Direct3DRMCreate(&lpD3DRM);

The sample then uses the Direct3DRM object to create the master reference frame (the "scene") and the camera frame by calling the IDirect3DRM::CreateFrame method. After creating the camera frame, this sample calls the IDirect3DRMFrame::SetPosition method to set its position.

rval = lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(NULL, &myglobs.scene);

rval = lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(myglobs.scene, &;

// Set the position of the camera frame.

rval =>SetPosition(myglobs.scene, D3DVAL(0.0),

D3DVAL(0.0), D3DVAL(0.0));

The scene and camera members of the myglobs structure have the same type: LPDIRECT3DRMFRAME. The D3DVAL macro creates a value whose type is D3DVALUE from a supplied floating-point number.

Next, InitApp creates a DirectDraw clipper object by calling the DirectDrawCreateClipper function, and associates the window with the clipper object by calling the IDirectDrawClipper::SetHWnd method. This clipper object is subsequently used to create the Direct3D Windows device. The advantage of using a clipper object to create the device is that in this case DirectDraw does the clipping automatically.


HWND win;

rval = DirectDrawCreateClipper(0, &lpDDClipper, NULL);

rval = lpDDClipper->SetHWnd(0, win);

InitApp uses the DirectDraw clipper object and the Direct3D driver retrieved by the EnumDrivers function in a call to the locally defined CreateDevAndView function. CreateDevAndView is discussed in the following section, Creating a Direct3DRM Device and Viewport.

GetClientRect(win, &rc);

if (!CreateDevAndView(lpDDClipper, myglobs.CurrDriver,

rc.right, rc.bottom)) {

return FALSE;


// Create the scene to be rendered by calling this sample's BuildScene.

if (!BuildScene(, myglobs.view, myglobs.scene,

return FALSE;

// Ready to render.

myglobs.bInitialized = TRUE;

// Display the window.

ShowWindow(win, cmdshow);


return TRUE;