[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] Mono and Stereo Sources (71.3438735177866%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectSound > DirectSound Essentials > DirectSound in 3-D
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Mono and Stereo Sources (71.3438735177866%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectSound > DirectSound Essentials > DirectSound in 3-D
[DirectX 7 Programmer's Reference] Mono and Stereo Sources (71.3438735177866%)
Microsoft DirectX 7.0 > DirectSound > DirectSound Essentials > DirectSound in 3-D
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Mono (19.2638339920949%)
DirectX SDK > Introducing DirectX 9.0 > Namespaces > Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound > Structures > Speakers > Properties