typedef struct _D3DEXECUTEDATA {
DWORD dwSize;
DWORD dwVertexOffset;
DWORD dwVertexCount;
DWORD dwInstructionOffset;
DWORD dwInstructionLength;
DWORD dwHVertexOffset;
D3DSTATUS dsStatus;
Specifies data for the IDirect3DDevice::Execute method. When this method is called and the transformation has been done, the instruction list starting at the value specified in the dwInstructionOffset member is parsed and rendered.
Size of this structure, in bytes.
Offset into the list of vertices.
Number of vertices to execute.
Offset into the list of instructions to execute.
Length of the instructions to execute.
Offset into the list of vertices for the homogeneous vertex used when the application is supplying screen coordinate data that needs clipping.
Value storing the screen extent of the rendered geometry for use after the transformation is complete. This value is a D3DSTATUS structure.