HRESULT SetConeAngles(
DWORD dwInsideConeAngle,
DWORD dwOutsideConeAngle, DWORD dwApply);
Sets the inside and outside angles of the sound projection cone for this sound buffer.
·Returns DS_OK if successful, or DSERR_INVALIDPARAM otherwise.
dwInsideConeAngle and dwOutsideConeAngle
Inside and outside angles of the sound projection cone.
Value indicating when the setting should be applied. This value must be one of the following:
DS3D_DEFERRED Settings are not applied until the application calls the IDirectSound3DListener::CommitDeferredSettings method. This allows the application to change several settings and generate a single recalculation.
DS3D_IMMEDIATE Settings are applied immediately, causing the system to recalculate the 3D coordinates for all 3D sound buffers.
Each angle must be in the range of 0 degrees (no cone) to 360 degrees (the full sphere). The default value is 360. For additional information see, Sound Projection Cones.