typedef struct {
DWORD dwSize;
D3DVECTOR vPosition;
D3DVECTOR vVelocity;
D3DVECTOR vOrientFront;
D3DVECTOR vOrientTop;
D3DVALUE flDistanceFactor;
D3DVALUE flRolloffFactor;
D3DVALUE flDopplerFactor;
Contains all information necessary to uniquely describe the 3D world parameters and position of the listener. This structure is used with the IDirectSound3DListener::GetAllParameters and IDirectSound3DListener::SetAllParameters methods.
Size of this structure, in bytes.
vPosition, vVelocity, vOrientFront, and vOrientTop
D3DVECTOR structures that describe the listener's position, velocity, front orientation, and top orientation, respectively.
flDistanceFactor, flRolloffFactor, and flDopplerFactor
The current distance, rolloff, and Doppler factors, respectively.