IDirect3DRMMesh and IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder Interfaces

A mesh is a visual object that is made up of a set of polygonal faces. A mesh defines a set of vertices and a set of faces (the faces are defined in terms of the vertices and normals of the mesh). Changing a vertex or normal that is used by several faces changes the appearance of all faces sharing it.

The vertices of a mesh define the positions of faces in the mesh, and they can also be used to define 2D coordinates within a texture map.

You can manipulate meshes in Retained Mode by using two COM interfaces: IDirect3DRMMesh and IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder. IDirect3DRMMesh is very fast, and you should use it when a mesh is subject to frequent changes, such as when morphing. IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder is built on top of the IDirect3DRMMesh interface. Although the IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder interface is a convenient way to perform operations on individual faces and vertices, the system must convert a Direct3DRMMeshBuilder object into a Direct3DRMMesh object before rendering it. For meshes that do not change or that change infrequently, this conversion has a negligible impact on performance.

If an application needs to assign the same characteristics (such as material or texture) to several vertices or faces, it can use the IDirect3DRMMesh interface to combine them in a group. If the application needs to share vertices between two different groups (for example, if neighboring faces in a mesh are different colors), the vertices must be duplicated in both groups. The IDirect3DRMMesh::AddGroup method assigns a group identifier to a collection of faces. This identifier is used to refer to the group in subsequent calls.

The IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder and IDirect3DRMMesh interfaces allow an application to create faces with more than three sides. They also automatically split a mesh into multiple buffers if, for example, the hardware the application is rendering to has a limit of 64K and a mesh is larger than that size. These features set the Direct3DRMMesh and Direct3DRMMeshBuilder API apart from the Direct3D API.

You can add vertices and faces individually to a mesh by using the IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder::AddVertex, IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder::AddFace, and IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder::AddFaces methods.

You can define individual color, texture, and material properties for each face in the mesh, or for all faces in the mesh at once, by using the IDirect3DRMMesh::SetGroupColor, IDirect3DRMMesh::SetGroupColorRGB, IDirect3DRMMesh::SetGroupTexture, and IDirect3DRMMesh::SetGroupMaterial methods.

For a mesh to be rendered, you must first add it to a frame by using the IDirect3DRMFrame::AddVisual method. You can add a single mesh to multiple frames to create multiple instances of that mesh.

Your application can use flat, Gouraud, and Phong shade modes, as specified by a call to the IDirect3DRMMesh::SetGroupQuality method. (Phong shading is not yet available, however.) This method uses values from the D3DRMRENDERQUALITY enumerated type. For more information about shade modes, see Polygons.

You can set normals (which should be unit vectors), or normals can be calculated by averaging the face normals of the surrounding faces by using the IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder::GenerateNormals method.