DirectInput services are loaded when the operating system is started. DirectInput supports analog and digital joysticks. Analog joysticks require real-time responsiveness and place a higher burden on the system than digital joysticks. DirectInput services can simultaneously monitor analog joysticks in a number of different configurations. These configurations range from two analog joysticks that track up to four axes of movement and use up to four buttons to four analog joysticks that track two axes of movement and use up to four buttons. In contrast, DirectInput services can simultaneously monitor up to 16 digital joysticks, each with up to six axes of movement and up to 32 buttons.
Each axis of movement that a joystick tracks has a range of motion. The range of motion is the distance a joystick handle can move from its neutral, or resting, position to the farthest points from that resting position.
The joystick driver can support up to 16 minidrivers, with each minidriver supporting one joystick. You can retrieve the number of joysticks supported by a joystick driver by using the joyGetNumDevs function. This function returns an unsigned integer specifying the number of joysticks that the driver can support, or 0 if there is no joystick support.
Your application can determine if a joystick is attached to the computer by using the joyGetPosEx function. This function returns JOYERR_NOERROR if the specified device is attached, or JOYERR_UNPLUGGED otherwise.
Each joystick has several capabilities that are available to your application. You can retrieve the capabilities of a joystick by using the joyGetDevCaps function. This function fills a JOYCAPS structure with joystick capabilities, such as valid axes of movement for the joystick, minimum and maximum values for its coordinate system, and the number of buttons on the joystick.
Note The return value of joyGetNumDevs does not indicate the number of joysticks attached to the system, but the number of joysticks that the system supports.