[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 9: Shutting Down DirectSoundCapture (97.5%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectSound > DirectSound Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Sound Capture
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Setting Up DirectSoundCapture (93.9189189189189%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectSound > DirectSound Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Sound Capture
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 8: Stopping Capture (87.5%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectSound > DirectSound Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Sound Capture
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 7: Shutting Down DirectSound (83.974358974359%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectSound > DirectSound Tutorials > Tutorial 1: Sound Playback
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 4: Setting Up Capture Notification (83.3333333333333%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectSound > DirectSound Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Sound Capture
[DirectX 7 Programmer's Reference] Step 9: Shut Down DirectSoundCapture (71.3327859879584%)
Microsoft DirectX 7.0 > DirectSound > DirectSound Tutorials > DirectSound C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Capturing a Sound
[DirectX 7 Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Set Up DirectSoundCapture (66.4716748768473%)
Microsoft DirectX 7.0 > DirectSound > DirectSound Tutorials > DirectSound C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Capturing a Sound
[DirectX 7 Programmer's Reference] Step 7: Shut Down DirectSound (64.9470899470899%)
Microsoft DirectX 7.0 > DirectSound > DirectSound Tutorials > DirectSound C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 1: Playing a Sound
[DirectX 7 Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Set Up DirectSound (60.7804232804233%)
Microsoft DirectX 7.0 > DirectSound > DirectSound Tutorials > DirectSound C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 1: Playing a Sound
[DirectX 7 Programmer's Reference] Step 8: Stop Capture (58.8327859879584%)
Microsoft DirectX 7.0 > DirectSound > DirectSound Tutorials > DirectSound C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Capturing a Sound
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Creating the DirectInput Mouse Device (54.1919191919192%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput > DirectInput C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using the Mouse
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 7: Closing Down the DirectInput System (52.6716780205152%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput > DirectInput C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 1: Using the Keyboard
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Setting the Palette (52.5813256791518%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Loading Bitmaps on the Back Buffer
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 3: Setting the Mouse Behavior (52.5252525252525%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput > DirectInput C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using the Mouse
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 6: Retrieving Buffered Data from the Mouse (52.1706425961745%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput > DirectInput C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using the Mouse
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Creating a DirectDraw Object (52.1284271284271%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 4: Flipping the Surfaces (51.8868812347073%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Loading Bitmaps on the Back Buffer
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 5: Managing Access to the Mouse (51.8308080808081%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput > DirectInput C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using the Mouse
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Creating a DirectPlayLobby Object (51.5864217083729%)
DirectPlay > DirectPlay Tutorials > Tutorial 1: Connecting by Using the Lobby
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Creating a Simple Animation (51.4824322963858%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 4: Color Keys and Bitmap Animation
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 7: Stop the Sound (51.1599511599512%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectX Audio > DirectX Audio Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopaths
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 1: Create the Audiopath (50.1125541125541%)
DirectMusic > DirectMusic C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopath Objects
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 2: Retrieve the Buffer (50.1125541125541%)
DirectMusic > DirectMusic C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopath Objects
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Setting Up the Mouse (49.9789562289562%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectInput > DirectInput Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using the Mouse
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Create the DirectX Objects (49.7710622710623%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectX Audio > DirectX Audio Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopaths
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 9: Set 3-D Parameters (49.7710622710623%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectX Audio > DirectX Audio Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopaths
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 5: Closing Down the DirectInput System (49.4309372797745%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectInput > DirectInput Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 1: Using the Keyboard
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 3: Change Buffer Parameters (49.4181096681097%)
DirectMusic > DirectMusic C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopath Objects
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 1: Initialize (49.2600195503421%)
DirectMusic > DirectMusic C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 1: Playing Audio Files
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 4: Close Down (49.2600195503421%)
DirectMusic > DirectMusic C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 1: Playing Audio Files