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Introducing DirectX 5
DirectX Foundation
About DirectDraw
Why Use DirectDraw?
Getting Started: Basic Graphics Concepts
DirectDraw Architecture
DirectDraw Essentials
DirectDraw Tutorials
DirectDraw Tutorials
Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
Step 1: Creating a DirectDraw Object
Step 2: Determining the Application's Behavior
Step 3: Changing the Display Mode
Step 4: Creating Flipping Surfaces
Step 4: Creating Flipping Surfaces
Defining the Surface Requirements
Creating the Surfaces
Step 5: Rendering to the Surfaces
Step 6: Writing to the Surface
Step 7: Flipping the Surfaces
Step 8: Deallocating the DirectDraw Objects
Tutorial 2: Loading Bitmaps on the Back Buffer
Tutorial 3: Blitting from an Off-Screen Surface
Tutorial 4: Color Keys and Bitmap Animation
Tutorial 5: Dynamically Modifying Palettes
Tutorial 6: Using Overlay Surfaces
DirectDraw Reference
Direct3D Immediate Mode
DirectX Media