Migrating from DirectPlay 3

If you are migrating to DirectPlay version 5 from DirectPlay version 3, you do not have to make any changes. However, you should upgrade your application to use the new IDirectPlay3 or IDirectPlay3A interfaces.

For a list of new features in version 5 of DirectPlay, see What's New in DirectPlay 5.

Some system messages have changed for DirectPlay 5, with new data members added to the end. Applications that need to be backward compatible with older run times should either:

·compile with the DirectX 3 header files and libraries

·not reference new data members

·test with both the DirectX 3 and the DirectX 5 runtime

The system message structures that have new members for DirectPlay 5 are:

Structure New Members
  DWORD dwFlags
  DPID dpIdParent
  DWORD dwFlags