DirectPlay Tools and Samples

The following samples can be examined for examples of how to use DirectPlay. These DirectPlay samples are included on the DirectX 5 CD. The Control Panel tool can be used to find out about DirectPlay applications.

DirectX Control Panel Tool

·Found in Control Panel. Double-click to open the DirectX Properties dialog box.

·The DirectPlay tab displays all the registered DirectPlay service providers and applications.

·Open the DirectX Properties dialog box before starting a DirectPlay application to see on-the-fly statistics about DirectPlay communications such as bytes/second and messages/second.


·A lobby client program the uses the IDirectPlay3 interface to communicate with a lobby server.

·Uses the LSERVER test lobby server so that a real lobby client/server environment can be set up.

·BELLHOP can be used to test external lobby support in your application.

·LSERVER can be used as a test server to write your own lobby client or integrate a lobby client into your application.


·A simple Windows-based chat program that uses IDirectPlay3

·Uses IDirectPlayLobby to make it lobby-able


·A stand-alone application that demonstrates how a DirectPlay 5 application can be launched from an external source using the IDirectPlayLobby2 interface

·Can also be used to test the lobby support in your application


·A DirectPlay client/server application that uses security.

·The server controls all the slot machines and tracks how much money each player has.

·The client securely logs in to the server.


·Multiplayer game that uses the IDirectPlay interface

·Uses IDirectPlayLobby to make it lobby-able


·An application that shows all the available service providers and their capabilities.

·Shows all the registered lobby-aware applications installed on the system.

·Uses asynchronous EnumSessions to monitor the active sessions on the service provider.


·A simple demonstration of how to override the DirectPlay service provider dialogs.